Kexin Xu (Cher) is a designer and a digital creator. She graduated from The Pennsylvania State University in 2018 and earned a degree in Bachelor of Architecture and minors in Sustainability Leadership and International Arts. Since then, she worked as a Project Coordinator at Orsman Design, an architectural lighting design firm in New York City. In February 2021, Cher became a travel photographer and digital nomad, living in Egypt for four months, Bulgaria for two months, Mexico for two months, Peru for three months, Greece for one and a half months, and Kenya for three months.
"My philosophy in architectural design is to design for a healthier planet and peaceful world using true sustainable and regenerative principles and methods. There is only a finite amount of energy and resources on this planet; as responsible designers, we must aim to design in holistic ways that will cause the least amount of environmental degradation. Good design is intuitive, natural and aesthetically pleasing to the occupants and users of the architecture.
Furthermore, my abroad experiences in Rome and Tanzania have expanded my understanding of architecture profoundly. From the intricate churches all over Europe to the modest mud houses in Tanzania, I have realized the variability and adaptability of architecture are beyond imagination. There is always a way to construct buildings most efficiently and logically, and it varies from place to place. So as an architectural designer, I strive to travel the world while learning the local language in architecture, and design accordingly to each unique context and place.
Additionally, I believe that the world has endless wonder if one chooses to seek beauty in everything. For this reason, I utilize photography to reveal the beauty of the world through my lens. I enjoy sharing my perspective and understanding of the world through my photographs and hope that others will see the world in a more beautiful way."
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